One of our favorite themes is winter! We definitely don’t get snow where we live, but pretend snow can be just as fun. And activities and books about the animals that live in the cold is a great way to introduce nonfiction learning too. My preschoolers can tell you so many facts about penguins right now. It’s impressive! We are working on a class book
Gingerbread Fine Motor Number Tracing Cards
One of my very favorite times of the year is almost here! In my classroom we begin Christmas themed activities right after we get back to school from Thanksgiving break. We begin with our nativity theme which leads us right into a super fun field trip. And then after that we are all about gingerbread men, cookies, ninjas, babies, girls, and boys. If there is
Shape Roll & Color Math Activity
Some of the very first small group activities that I introduce to my preschoolers are printable dice games! Rolling a die adds an extra element of fun to any activity with little kids. These learning activities focus on direction following, math skills, and fine motor pre-writing skills. Our shape roll & color math activity is the perfect printable learning center to reinforce shape identification and
Seashell Pre-Writing Number Tracing Cards
Finding seashells at the beach is one of the best things about summer break! Maybe it’s just being at the beach that I love so much, but finding super cool seashells is an added bonus for sure. Just like at the beach, seashell learning activities are always a hit with preschoolers. Our seashell pre-writing number tracing cards definitely fit into that category. They encourage number
Bug Catcher Counting & Number Play Dough Mats
Normally I am not the hugest fan of bugs (especially mosquitos!), but bug themed learning activities always go over well with my preschoolers! Kids are naturally curious when it comes to living things and nature, so exploring insects and using them to learn keeps learners engaged. Our free printable bug catcher counting & number play dough mats focus on numbers 1-20, number words, counting skills,
Rainbow Number Match
Rainbows are easily becoming one of our favorite themes in my preschool classroom! We have been all about rainbows recently, and it been a great way to introduce the warmer weather (we’re in the south!) and the spring season. Our rainbow number match printable activity encourages number recognition 1-20 while using visual discrimination skills. Rainbow Number Match This free printable rainbow number match activity for
Rainbow Tracing Numbers Printable 1-20
When I was in kindergarten, we sang songs on stage as a grade level. The only memory I really have about that evening, was that we sang a rainbow song. I sing it all the time in my preschool classroom during our rainbow theme. Each time I sing it, my preschool kiddos remind me that pink technically does not belong in the rainbow. I guess
Pineapple Fine Motor Shape Cards
Just today I bought the juiciest pineapple from the grocery store. It tasted like candy and it was delicious! Pineapple is like watermelon and absolutely reminder me of all things summer. As the school year winds down, and summer approaches, what could be better than printable pineapple fine motor shape cards? Well, I mean besides real pineapple, of course! Pineapple Fine Motor Shape Cards This