Giving kids of all ages the opportunity to be active during the day is so important. For years, the focus has been on getting kids to conform, sit still and with legs criss-crossed, and to stay quiet. I could go on and on about the ways that teachers would like little kids to stay within their expectations during the school day. And I could go on and on about how these kind of expectations are the opposite of developmentally appropriate for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. This is why I have realized that I am quite passionate about letting kids move and learn because getting those wiggles out and taking risks helps develop those every day skills like getting dressed and playing on the playground. And I am so excited to share our Stuck in the Glue gross motor game with all of my favorite preschool teachers and parents!
Stuck in Glue Gross Motor Game
This free printable Stuck in Glue gross motor game includes glue bottle cards and spinners.
To prep this move and learn activity, print the file from the pink button below. Use the size of glue bottle cards that work with your classroom and make sure to print enough copies for your preschoolers to play.
Cut the glue bottle cards and spinners out on the gray dotted lines. Laminate the cards, especially the glue bottle cards.
Add a suction cup spinner or use a paper clip and pencil to spin and find a number.
Spread the glue bottle cards around the floor. Make sure to give enough space between each card so no one bumps into each other. Have each preschooler stand on one side of his or her glue bottle card.
Use the spinner to find the number of jumps that will happen.
If a 4 is spun, tell the preschoolers to jump 4 times over the glue bottle card. Count together will help the activity not get too silly and out of control.
Spin again and announce the number.
Decide if the preschoolers will jump with 2 feet, jump with 1 foot, leap, step over, etc. that many times. Changing it up from just jumping will increase those gross motor movements and let you as the teacher or parent see what skills need strengthening.
The Stuck in Glue gross motor game includes a direction sheet. My favorite part is that it gives an example of what the teacher can say during the activity in case a script is helpful when first adding in gross motor activities to the classroom.
This Stuck in Glue gross motor game is a freebie that is also included in the Back to School Gross Motor Games set. The set includes 5 different gross motor games to add into your back to school theme. The directions are simple, the games are fun, and little kids will never know that they are working on gross motor skills that will help them succeed in every day activities to become big kids.
The best part?
There will be at least 20 themed sets of the gross motor games in the Endless Themed Gross Motor Games Bundle.
So grab the free printable Stuck in Glue gross motor game and get those kids moving and learning today!
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