Preschoolers love pumpkin learning and experiences in the classroom and at home! We spend time measuring pumpkins, carrying pumpkins, scooping pumpkins, rolling pumpkins, writing on pumpkins, painting pumpkins, and more. But there are also lots of ways to learn and play with pumpkin themed printables and activities that motivate and engage preschoolers. Our pumpkin number trace printable activity helps preschoolers practice numbers 1-10 or 1-20!
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Pumpkin Number Trace
The free printable pumpkin number trace activity includes pumpkin number cards 1-20. It also includes 2 number tracing pages.
One page has number 1-10. And the other page has numbers 1-20.
Print the file from the pink button below. Cut the pumpkin number cards apart on the gray dotted lines.
I would recommend laminating the pumpkin number cards. This just allows your preschoolers to play the activity independently while keeping the cards in good condition. It is always nice to add a little extra durability to learning center pieces!
Pick a Pumpkin
To play you will want to include the pumpkin number cards that you are using. Take out the cards 11-20 if you are only using the page with the numbers 1-10. This will help build your preschoolers’ confidence and lessen frustration as number skills are being mastered.
Pick a number and identify it.
Find the matching number on the pumpkin number tracing page.
Use a crayon, pencil, or marker to trace the number. Pick another card and play again!
Keep picking pumpkin number cards and tracing the numbers on the page until all of the numbers are traced. For extra practice, play again using a different color to trace the numbers!
If you would like this to be a reusable math center, consider laminating the number pages or stick them in a plastic sleeve that works with dry erase markers.
Make sure to model for your preschoolers how to wipe the page clean after they are finished. That way, when the next preschooler sits down to take a turn, the activity is ready to go!
Download the pumpkin number trace math center now!
The file will open in the a new tab or window. You can save it to your computer from there!