Welcome to Week #3 – Bugs & Flowers!
Download and print the activity calendar for Week #3 from the pink button below. Hanging the calendar outline on the refrigerator (if magnets don’t work, use cute tape for the fridge!) makes it easy to know what you’re doing each day!
Day 1
Butterfly Matching: Cut out a bunch of hearts that are the same size. Each heart will become a butterfly wing! To create a full butterfly, you need 2 hearts. On each heart, write the same letter. Use uppercase/uppercase, uppercase/lowercase, or lowercase/lowercase pairs depending on your preschooler’s learning level. To begin, place one side of the butterfly wings on the table. This could be all of the left wings of the butterfly. Add all of the right wings to a bowl. Choose one wing at a time and find its match on the table. Place the wing to complete the butterfly next to the correct letter. For an added challenge, add all hearts to the bowl to play!
Caterpillar Count: Print the caterpillar page or create your own. Add a number to the box in front of the caterpillar head. With crayons or markers, have your preschooler identify the number and then add the correct number of circles for the caterpillar’s body. If the box has a 5, draw 5 circle from the caterpillar head. If the box says 10, draw ten circles. Fun ways to change up the activity include using a paper towel tube to make the caterpillar head and circles for the body. Using circle stickers would also be fun!
Dance Like a Bug: Put on some music or sing along to your favorite songs while dancing like a bug! Add the names of different bugs to pieces of paper. Fold them up and add them to a cup. Pick a paper and announce the next bug to dance like. Bug suggestions include: bee, butterfly, worm, ant, grasshopper, mosquito, dragonfly,
Day 2
Watering the Flowers: Play this game outside if you can! Draw chalk flowers with letters in the middle of them all over the sidewalk or driveway. Or simply draw chalk letters. Using a watering can (we have a the perfect kid-sized on in our sand toys) travel from flower to flower while identifying the letters, and water each one! For more of challenge, tell your preschooler a letter to find to make it more like a letter hunt.
Wiggly Worm Shapes: Draw 2D shapes on a piece of paper or print the shapes page to use. Gather popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, gummy worms, or even yarn or string to use as worms. Make sure the shapes are big enough to use the suggested possible worm supplies with. Identify each shape and use the pretend worms to build each one. For an added activity, have your preschooler draw the shapes after building the shape!
Bee Pollen Race: Gather pom poms, ping pong balls, or even rolled up socks to act as pollen and place them in a basket or pile. Using a spoon or tongs or tweezers of some kind, carry each individual piece of pollen across the room and drop it in another basket or bowl. Your preschooler is the bee transferring pollen and the baskets are the flowers. Add fun ways to move in between the baskets — run, buzz, tip toe, leap, walk backwards, etc. Set up 2 baskets across the room if 2 preschoolers are playing!
Day 3
Letter Painting: Use chalk outside or paper inside to write letters on. Spread the letters out a little if using paper. Grab the best pretend flower stem (Q-tip, wooden skewer, paintbrush, etc.) that you have at home to paint with. Use a paintbrush outside on the chalk and a smaller paintbrush or Q-tip if using paper. Outside, add water to a bucket and trace the letter with “water paint.” On paper, trace the letters with paint. Practice uppercase and lowercase letters as well as names with this activity!
Petal Matching: Print the flower and flower petal pages on colored paper or draw and cut out your own. Add a number to the middle of the circle. Write the same number on the flower petals, so that there are at least 3 petals for each flower. Place all of the flower petals into a bowl and pick one at a time. Identify the number on the petal and match it to the circle with the same number. Spread the flower pages around the floor or table to easily add flower petals to while creating number flowers!
Paper Plate Ladybug: Cut a paper plate in half. Paint or color the paper plate red. This is the body of the ladybug. Cut a circle for the head. Draw a face on the head using crayons, markers, googly eyes, etc. Cut smaller circles for the ladybug spots. Color or paint them black or cut them out of black paper. Glue the ladybug together after all parts are dry. Add details like legs and antenna cut from black paper.
Day 4
Bug Hunt: Print the bug page on colored paper (or use white paper and consider coloring the bugs!) or draw your own. Cut the bugs out. Add letters or family names to the bugs. Tape the bugs around the room to hide them. Using a fly swatter (or possibly a hand towel) or even bare hand, find each bug, identify the letter, and swat it! Call out the letters for your preschooler to find or give a list of the letters on a piece of paper to check off as they are found.
Lady Bug Spots: Cut a big circle out of a red piece of paper. Cut small black circles out of a black piece of paper. Add all of the black circles to a cup or bowl. Place the red circle ladybug on the table. Roll a die or pick a number and add that many spots to the red circle ladybug. Clear the spots and play again OR keep adding spots until the ladybug is full and the spots are all used up!
Play Dough Bugs: Set up a tray with play dough, popsicle sticks, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, kid scissors, mini rolling pin, plastic knife, etc. for a play dough bug invitation to play activity! Roll balls of play dough for bug bodies. Roll out a play dough snake to make legs or antenna. Pinch and pull the play dough to make wings. Be creative and create brand new bugs!
Day 5
Name Puzzles: On a piece of paper, write the letters in your preschooler’s first or last name across the paper. Decorate the paper with crayons, markers, colored pencils, and stickers. You can then cut the page into pieces with scissors being careful not to make any pieces too small. Mix up the pieces and have your preschooler build the puzzle. Make the cuts on the puzzle with less curves and angles for younger preschoolers.
Squish the Bug: On paper plates, draw different colored bugs. Add a yellow bug to one, a red bug to another, and so on. Use enough colors to keep it fun and not frustrating for your preschooler’s age and learning level. Write each color on a small piece of paper or post-it note and put them in a bowl. Spread the paper plates out on the floor in a circle and have your preschooler stand in the middle of the circle. Pull a color out of the bowl and announce the color to your preschooler along with “hand” or “foot.” Then your preschooler will have to quickly find the color and place the correct body part (hand or foot) on the paper plate. Think of this game as a version of the game Twister. Add in body part variations to make it silly and fun!
Caterpillar Munching: Cut fruit shapes out of different colored paper. Use the colors that the fruit actually are. Maybe a red circle for an apple. And make a green pair and a red strawberry. Cut out a bunch of fruit pieces. Using a hole punch as the caterpillar, munch holes in the fruit pieces. Count the holes munched and crunched OR write numbers on the fruits and have your preschooler try to create that many holes on each one. See an example HERE.
Preschoolers are going buggy over the activities in Week #3!
Hopefully you are loving the Preschool on the Go activities and that you are feeling more confident about setting up learning fun for your preschooler. Don’t forget, if you are ever looking for more in-depth printable options, you can check out these products:
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Grab the printable outline for Week $3 from the pink button!
Hang it on your refrigerator so you can glance up at it to see what is planned each day. Keep the digital copy available to quickly click to access this page at any point for details about the activities.
You can access all of the Preschool on the Go activities from the main page!
Email me at nicole@modernpreschool.com if you need to!