Welcome to Week #10 – At the Beach!
Download and print the activity calendar for Week #10 from the pink button below. Hanging the calendar outline on the refrigerator or in a plastic page protector makes it easy to know what’s on the schedule each day!
Day 1
Sea Star Play Dough: Print the play dough mat or draw your own. Laminate the sea star play dough mat or place it in a plastic page protector sleeve. Using play dough, roll it out into “snakes” to put together into different shapes and letters. Tell your preschooler to build a certain letter on the sea star play dough mat. To help your preschooler be successful, even if not all letters of the alphabet have been mastered, write different letters on a separate piece of paper. Set the paper with the letters (or words) on the table next to the sea star play dough mat.
Sand Shovel Scoop: Use a beach bucket and shovel (or even a spoon and a bowl) and pom poms or cotton balls for this game. The pom poms will be pretend sand at the beach. Pile the pom poms close together to resemble a pile of sand. Have your preschool scoop as many pom poms as possible into the bucket. After the first scoop, there are different ways to play. You can have your preschooler count the number of pom poms scooped OR keep scooping a certain amount of times…and then count the total. If you scoop and then count after each scoop, you can work on writing the total each time on a paper and early addition skills. After 2 scoops, find the total number of pom poms!
Crayon Resist Painting: On a white piece of paper, draw an underwater ocean scene with crayons. Draw fish different colors and color them in. Draw coral and sea weed. Add any other ocean animals that you want to include: whale, dolphin, shark, stingray, seahorse, etc. Just make sure whatever is drawn, is also colored in. Do not color in the water background though! Instead, use watercolor paints to paint the ocean water blue. The paint will go right over the crayon, but will not color it. This type of painting has a fun result when all things colored with crayon still show!
Day 2
Fill the Bucket: On different pieces of paper or Post-It notes, write letters or words on them. Write one letter or word on each paper. Hide the letter papers around the room or house. The letter papers can be the pretend seashells at the beach. Give your preschooler a beach bucket to carry around while collecting the letter papers. Each time a letter or word is found, have your preschooler identify the letter or read the word. For an added challenge, have your preschooler come up with a word that has the sound that the letter makes!
Follow the Dolphin: Print the dolphin page or create your own. Cut the dolphins out. Write numbers on each dolphin. Use numbers 1-5 for younger preschoolers and 1-10, 5-10, 10-20, etc. for older preschoolers depending on current learning levels. Hang the dolphins around the room. Your preschoolers job is to swim and jump like a dolphin through the room finding the dolphins in number order. To change up the game, you can also give your preschooler a number and then your preschooler will have to find the number that comes before or after that number.
Crab Walk & Grab: Spread rolled socks, stuffed animals, or other small items out around the floor or yard. Walking in a crab walk position (hands & feet on the ground, belly facing up, and bottom lifted off the ground) walk around collecting the items as you go. There can be a basket or bucket in the middle of the room to crab walk over and drop the items in as they are collected. Crab walking is tough work, so don’t spread the items out too far at the beginning to keep this activity fun and not frustrating.
Day 3
Blow Fish Blow: Blow up a few balloons for this learning game. Don’t make them too big. While standing on one end of the kitchen table, have your preschooler use a straw to blow the blow fish across the table! Try blowing all of the blow fish at one time. It would also be fun to have blow fish races to see who can blow their blow fish across the table first!
Clam Colors: Print the clam page or draw your own. Cut the clams apart or leave them together to work with just a few colors at a time. Write a color word on each clam OR color each clam a different color. Add colorful pom poms (pretend pearls) to a bowl. Using kid-friendly squeezers or some kind of small tongs or tweezers, pinch one pom pom at a time and add it to the matching clam. If you do not have colorful pom poms, you can use game pieces (Checkers, Connect 4, etc.), beads, or even small rolled up pieces of paper to use to sort by color. Sort the pom pom pearls on to each clam making sure to match the colors each time!
Paper Plate Jellyfish: Cut a paper plate in half. Paint or color the paper plate. Gluing tissue paper squares to the paper plate would work too! This is the jellyfish’s body. With the cut side at the bottom, add eyes to the jellyfish. You can draw circles on paper for your preschooler to cut out and glue on. To make the jellyfish tentacles, add long pieces of crepe paper streamers, ribbon, or even newspaper strips to the back to the jellyfish body. When everything is dry, hang the jellyfish to display! Consider making 2 jellyfish because you are only using one half of the plate for each one!
Day 4
Octopus Magnet Match: Print the octopus page or create your own. Cut the octopus cards out. On each octopus card write a letter or word. Spread the octopus cards out on the table. Add all of the magnets to a bowel. Have your preschooler choose one magnet at a time and identify it. Then find the matching octopus card with that same letter. Place the magnet at that card and play again. If using words on the octopus cards, find all of the magnet letters in the word and spell the word next to the card.
Shark Puppet Attack: To create the pretend shark puppet, find a long sock. Add eyes and a fin to the sock if you have an extra, but a plain sock works too! Put the sock on your preschooler’s hand to be the pretend shark puppet. Place different pretend fish in a laundry basket OR use goldfish crackers and place them in a bowl. Let your preschooler be the shark and dive in and grab as many fish as possible with the shark puppet. After 2 shark attacks, have your preschooler find which pile has more and less.
LEGO Sandcastles: Gather LEGO building bricks or blocks. Show your preschoolers pictures of sandcastles online or from your past vacation photos. Using the building bricks or blocks, have your preschooler build pretend sandcastles. Encourage your preschooler to build with fun sandcastle shapes while adding detail if possible!
Day 5
Blow Hole Splash: Outside on the driveway or sidewalk, write letters or words all over the concrete. Your preschooler can even help write the letters. Spread the letters out on the driveway to leave space in between. Using the hose or a water squirter toy, have your preschooler stand in the middle of the driveway and squirt straight up in the air. This action will resemble a whale clearing water out of its blowhole! As the water splashes down on the driveway, have your preschooler run around identifying the letters that have been splashed by the whale’s blowhole spray!
Shell Shapes: Print the shell pages or create your own. Cut the shells apart. Play with these shape mats in different ways. Identify the shape on each shell. Then have your preschooler look around the room or house to find objects that are the same shapes. Place each object on the matching shell mat. Your preschooler can also use play dough or beads to build the shape on each shell. If using play dough, laminate the shell mats or place them in a plastic page protector sleeve.
Jump the Wave: Strengthen gross motor muscles and coordination while jumping the pretend waves! Use a jumprope (or something similar) and place it across the floor. Have your preschooler jump over the jumprope (pretend wave) a few times while it is on the ground. Run up to the jumprope and jump, stand still and jump, stand backwards and jump, etc. As your preschooler is more comfortable, tie the end of the jumprope to a chair or table leg and hold on to the other side. Raise the jumprope to a higher level for your preschooler to jump over. For an added challenge (if your preschooler is ready!), try wiggling the jumprope up and down while your preschooler jumps. Do this slowly so that your preschooler can time it and does not trip.
Have fun in the sun with your preschooler during week #10!
Hopefully you are loving the Preschool on the Go activities and that you are feeling more confident about setting up learning fun for your preschooler. Don’t forget, if you are ever looking for more in-depth printable options, you can check out these products:
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Grab the printable outline for Week #10 from the pink button!
Hang it on your refrigerator so you can glance up at it to see what is planned each day. Keep the digital copy available to quickly click to access this page at any point for details about the activities.
You can access all of the Preschool on the Go activities from the main page!
Email me at nicole@modernpreschool.com if you need to!