I hear you’re having a little trouble printing your latest free printable.
No problem! I can help!
Before you email asking me to send me the file to you, try the tips and tricks below…because well, I don’t email files. I appreciate you not asking me to make an exception for you.
But do not worry! There hasn’t been a issue that couldn’t be fixed with a little help, so try give these ideas a try.
Save the File to Your Computer
After the pdf file opens in a new tab, you can save it to your desktop. This allows you to save, rename, and print the file easily.
Simply click File from your browser’s menu bar, then click Save As to save the file.
Save the file first, and then open the file from your desktop to print. This makes a huge difference when you are having trouble printing your file!
Adobe Reader
Your version of Adobe Reader may need an update.
This is a super easy fix!
To download the latest version, follow the link HERE and click the Install Now button. It’s free and takes just seconds to download or update.
*If you are working on a Mac, also check to make sure that Adobe Reader is your default for opening files.
Switch Internet Browsers
If Internet Explorer isn’t working for you, try Google Chrome. I work on Safari most of the time, and don’t have issues downloading printables. You can also give Firefox a try.
Start from the Blog Post
Always make sure you start from the blog post to download the file. If you find yourself on Pinterest and finding a link to a pdf file instead of a blog post, go back to Modern Preschool to find the blog post.
Search the post title or subject in the search bar on the site to find the accurate post to download the file from.
Hopefully, one of the tips above has helped you download your file and print it! If you are still stuck, email me. I want you to be able to use the free resources that I post!
Looking for even more printables? Check out our collection of Free Printable Activities!